The Gratest Professional Micro-Grated XL Rasp
File away tough skin and calluses with this professional grade stainless steel rasp designed with more than 200 safety-crafted micro grates that leave feet feeling soft and smooth. cCrafted with an extra-large filing surface and soft-touch handle you can comfortably grip with ease. cAllows for targeted filing of cracked heels and general quick removal of built-up skin, ultimately offering pedicure quality softness at home.
Backed by science and built by experts, Barefoot Scientist is a premium foot care brand that uses advanced science and carefully selected ingredients.
Gently file back and forth across dry areas to smooth away calluses and rough skin. Grater is sink-washable. For more significant exfoliation, first soften calluses by soaking in warm water for 10 minutes. Treat newly shaved skin with hydrating lotion afterward.