By Lydia Wilson
Skincare doesn’t need to be complicated, in fact, keeping it simple can be more beneficial for most of us. Trying to keep up with the latest trends and releases can be overwhelming. Finding the right skin care products that actually work for your skin as opposed to the latest and trendiest is what Dr. Madh is all about. As she says, a good skin care routine can be simplified and doesn’t need to be time consuming and we couldn’t agree more.
Dr. Madh grew up as a second generation American whose parents immigrated from India. She watched her grandmother create first aid remedies and beauty aids using homeopathic ingredients right from her kitchen. And these home beauty treatments created acne treatments, hair and skin masks, giving Madh the blueprint for her wellness brand.
As a physician, Dr Madh’s first priority is patient care, and taking the time to figure out what each patient and client need. After receiving in-office treatments from Dr. Madh, her clients can take home customized skincare that will help maintain the treatments they received. One of Madh’s favorites, the Amma Elixir is formulated with Vitamin C, B3 and Ferulic acid, these three powerhouse ingredients provide protection form pollutants and other environmental stressors.
Simplicity in your routine combined with high powered, sustainable ingredients make the Dr.Madh brand one to watch. Keep reading to get to know Dr. Madh and her personal beauty philosophy.
Get to Know - Dr. Madh
What was the impetus to start your brand?
The inspiration behind my line of skincare products came from my fascination with fusing science with beauty and from listening to my patients' skin concerns. I address the prevention of and effects of facial aging with in-office treatments, but It's equally important to maintain the skin with clean medical-grade products and proper beauty tools. I created a few hero products and have beauty tools that improve skin texture and luminosity to help maintain office results. The beauty tools came from the belief in centuries of Ayurvedic treatments utilizing the marma points throughout the face and body. Proper lymphatic drainage and massage of the face are vital and a de-stressor which goes along with my philosophy of essential self-care. Having the right products and beauty tools, which I have tested on myself, can make a big difference in our appearance and overall wellness.
Do you have a beauty philosophy? What is it?
Elevating and optimizing someone in a natural way where they feel confident to express their authenticity and individuality- that is beautiful to me.
Where are you from originally? Where do you live now?
I am a second-generation American, born to parents who immigrated from India. I was born in Michigan. I live in Los Angeles.
What were some of your first memories of beauty growing up? What are some early beauty influences?
I was raised under the influence of my Indian grandmother, who was grounded in holistic wellness traditions. She would create homeopathic recipes for everything from my childhood boo-boo's, teenage acne to dry skin and dull hair. These unique concoctions made the perfect mask, body scrub, hair tonic that went back generations and could usually be mixed quickly in a bowl with ingredients from the kitchen or the garden. I try to harness this wisdom from the ancient classics when working on ideas for skincare and treatments.
What does self-care look like in your life?
As a mom of 3 boys, a doctor, and a physician's wife, "putting my oxygen mask on first" was a rare option. Cultural influences played a significant role in feeling guilty about caring for myself. It took me until my 50's to realize the value of essential self-care. Taking time for oneself is not selfish but essential. I take time to replenish my soul with meditation and exercise, preparing meals, and taking time with my beauty tools because feeling good and looking good are synergistic. I am my best version when I have taken time for essential self-care.
What inspires you most about the beauty landscape and industry today?
We have gained a wealth of knowledge about beauty product's ingredients and the media's influence to get the right message out there about product safety. I also love the competition in the industry. It keeps us striving to make things better. It's also been amazing to see the growth of this industry as it becomes more inclusive of gender and race.
What has been the biggest challenge in starting your business?
Time. I am meticulous about what I give my patients. I test everything on myself before I can approve it for anyone else.
What has been the biggest win thus far?
I'm a doctor before a businesswoman. My mindset is always about helping someone; It isn't about making decisions about billing, hiring, or firing people. When you're building a business, you need good boundaries. My biggest win is learning how to set boundaries.
What would you like to see more of in the beauty industry when it comes to diversity and inclusivity?
Diversity in the beauty industry is not a trend but a reality. I want to see more color shade ranges for women of color, more product options for Asian and Indian skin tones, and men. Ongoing diverse beauty campaigns to increase the target audience.