“Let the ritual begin…” It's a tagline that sets the tone for Satya + Sage on the brand’s website, but it’s also the mindset that permeates through each product and moment a coveted candle is lit.
Founder Son-ja Haile created her line of handmade, eco-friendly candles infused with a unique blend of essential oils, to uplift and illuminate a sacred space for self care in people’s lives.
“Satya + Sage is part of my self-care journey, and I decided to share it with the world,” Haile' tells thirteen lune.
“Through important stages of my life, I realized it was when I was consistent in taking moments of stillness, was when I felt most connected to myself and felt clear in the path I was on. Candles and aromas have always played a significant role in those moments. Each Satya + Sage candle or product is made to bring inspiration to whatever brings someone back to themselves and their desires.”
As a visual reminder and with the ability to transform a space, Satya + Sage candles are a reminder to slow down and savor the moment.
Get to Know – Son-ja Haile
Do you have a beauty philosophy?
Yes, true beauty starts on the inside.
What were some of your first memories of beauty growing up? What are some early beauty influences?
My grandmother and my mom were my influences as a young woman. My grandmother rarely ever left the house without lipstick on, and my mom always embraced so many different hairstyles, from short to long. I can appreciate how they took care of themselves, and I never felt like they were trying to be anyone but themselves.
What does self-care look like in your life?
Self-care for me looks like sacred baths with candles, a journal or book, and a playlist. It’s a complete reset and focus session for me. If I have time, I love watching American Horror Story.
What inspires you most about the beauty landscape and industry today?
What inspires me the most about the beauty landscape today is finally seeing real people. I love that there are now beauty brands showing models with acne and different body types. I love it all!
What has been the biggest challenge in starting your business?
The biggest challenge for me is finding funding and navigating all the challenges that come with a pandemic.
What has been the biggest win thus far?
Our biggest win thus far has been the reception of our new and improved core candle collection. We decided to hire a perfumer to help us elevate our scents. That means we know first-hand what ingredients are in our formulas and can have an expert explain what we might not understand.
What would you like to see more of in the beauty industry when it comes to diversity and inclusivity?
I would like to see genuine diversity and inclusivity, not just to check a box.